A Simple Tree Pattern Matching Algorithm for Code Generator
This p a p e r descr ibes 4 s i m p l e t r ee p a t t e r n m a t c h i n g a l g o r i t h m f o r t h e code g e n e r a t o r of compi l e r s . T h e i n t e r m e d i a t e code ( R e g i s t e r T r a n s f e r L a n g u a g e ) is m a t c h e d with t h e tree-rewri t ing ru le s of t h e i n s t r u c t i o n d e s c r i p t i o n w h i c h describe t h e t a r g e t archi tecture t o genera te t h e a s s e m b l y code. T h e hash ing f u n c t i o n is u s e d in o u r s y s t e m t o t r a n s f o r m 4 t r ee p a t t e r n m a t c h i n g p r o b l e m i n t o 4 s i m p l e n u m b e r c o m p a r i s o n . Compared with GNU C c o m p i l e r (gcc), t h e t r ee p a t t e r n m a t c h i n g t i m e c a n be reduced by 69% a n d t h e c o m p i l e r t i m e by 6%, a n d t h e space o f t h e i n s t r u c t i o n descript i o n s c a n be reduced by 4.10 t i m e s o n DLX a n d 2.14 o n SPARC. T h e s i ze of t ab le , w h i c h is n e c e s s a r y f o r code genera tor , i s qui te s m a l l in o u r m e t h o d .
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